Introduction to Creatinine Clearance

The Creatinine function provides the ability to calculate Creatinine Clearances used to determine Amantadine or Tamiflu dosage required for patients. This is especially useful for flu outbreaks.

The Creatinine function is available from both the Patient Folder and Group Folder. Accessing this function from the Group Folder allows you to calculate Amantadine or Tamiflu dosages for all patients in the group, while the same function in the Patient Folder allows the dosage to be determined for a single patient.

The formula used to calculate Creatinine Clearance differs for males and females. The user must have a value for Serum Creatinine in order to perform the calculations. The patient's age and weight are also required. Once this information is entered, Propel Rx can calculate the Creatinine Clearance.

The following codes are used in the calculations:

  • SrCr = Serum Creatinine

  • CrCl = Creatinine Clearance

Table 1. Creatinine Clearance Calculation.

Male Female
CrCl (mL/min) = [(140 - Age) x Weight*]/(SrCr x 0.81) CrCl (mL/min) = CrCl (male) x 0.85

*Actual Body Weight (ABW), Ideal Body Weight (IBW), or Adjusted Body Weight (AjBW) as per Cockroft-Gault Formula

Table 2. Weight Used for the Creatinine Clearance Calculation

Scenario Weight Used
Height and weight entered in the Patient Folder Ideal Body Weight (IBW)
Actual Body Weight (ABW) < Ideal Body Weight (IBW) Actual Body Weight (ABW)
Actual Body Weight (ABW) > 30% above Ideal Body Weight Adjusted Body Weight (AjBW)
All other scenarios Actual Body Weight (ABW)


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